Origami Engineering



The Toolkit for the growth of your business

Origami assists businesses in formulating a growth strategy by analyzing the unique characteristics of each company, as different types of entities necessitate distinct approaches to expansion.

As part of the program, we also offer the opportunity to track the company’s development, enabling a more gratifying and tranquil operational journey. A robust competitive edge stems from continual evolution, furnishing your organization with the flexibility required to adapt to the shifting external circumstances. Moreover, if you require assistance in identifying subsequent stages for a business endeavor or enhancing efficiency, Origami presents remedies tailored to your business frameworks.

Gain and maintain your market competitiveness

The EVOLUTION SPRINT faces and solves some specific issues:

  • Obsolescence
  • Lack of competitiveness
  • Difficulty in evaluating strategic choices
  • Change Management issues

Benefits for you

What are the benefits of our service for you?

Medium-long term strategic planning of one's own well-being and prosperity

EVOLUTION SPRINT Price starting from

£ 13.400
  • The price of the service depends on the type of company involved, contact us to learn more about your project.

What does the service include?

How do we implement the EVOLUTION SPRINT effectively for your business?
The evolution plan will be drawn up according to some criteria:

  • DIVERSIFICATION with the evaluation of new customer bases, expansion of the product/service range; identification of alternative suppliers
  • DIGITALIZATION & OPTIMIZATION of the operating models of internal and external processes; identification of the critical phases of the processes; waste analysis and definition of intervention methods

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